Online Antenatal Courses

Get the antenatal course you want, wherever you live, whenever you’re available.

Will we be able to make it work?

Sometimes life gets in the way of doing the things we want to do: distances are too great; schedules might clash; childcare might fall through; there’s a blizzard…

While I totally accept that these things happen, I refuse to accept that they should stop you from getting the antenatal preparation that you want.

That’s why all of my antenatal packages are available to be taught online, as well as face-to-face. If you like, we can even do a hybrid mix of the two!

Ask yourself this…

  • Do you like the sound of working with me, but don’t live in Cornwall?

  • Do you like the sound of working with me, but you travel around a lot?

  • Do you like the sound of working with me, but need to work around other commitments?

    If the answer to any of these questions is yes, we can deliver your antenatal package via Zoom!

What are my online antenatal options?

As a COVID era teacher (at a school where live lessons was a must!) I am well versed in using platforms like Zoom as a space to teach in. All of my antenatal content can be delivered via online spaces and there is no limit on the topics that we can cover. You’ll still get the same personalised content and service, just via my floating head on a screen.

The only thing you need to decide is which package you’d like to do!

“Sounds great but can I just ask…”

  • Is there a difference in price between online and face-to-face sessions?

    Nope: when it comes to antenatal education, I charge you for my time, my knowledge and my skill not my travel time. Thus, online packages cost the same as if I were delivering the session in your living room in person.

  • What if there’s a power-cut? Or the internet goes down?

    A fair question: if the tech fails us, I will get in touch with you as soon as is feasibly possible to make up the time. This might be that we extend our allotted session (eg: if we lose 5 mins and were meant to finish at 9pm, I’d do an extra 5 mins and end our session at 9.05pm). If this is not possible for whatever reason, we’ll simply reschedule the session for a time that works.

  • Are online sessions the same as face-to-face sessions?

    As close as can be done, yes! The content and strategies I use to personalise it will all be exactly the same. I am very experienced in online teaching and so I am very comfortable with making people feel comfortable in an online space. I’ll probably even wear the same clothes and bring the same biscuits (though you’d have to provide your own for your side of the screen…). The only way they might differ slightly is that I might use more images and videos rather than actual physical demonstrations as my camera lens isn’t wide enough to capture a whole floor or room.