Positive Preparation for Birth Workshop

Start preparing for your positive birth experience with a TOTALLY FREE online workshop filled with hypnobirthing hints & doula tips…

It got me and my birth partner really thinking about labour and how we want to cope
— Anon

Can you prepare for birth?

Yes, you absolutely can and (in our humble professional opinions) it’s really important!

The thing is, birth is so much more than the physical process of your baby landing earth-side: whether this is your first baby or fourth, their arrival will be emotional, logistical, psychological and utterly transformational.

Preparing yourself for that experience be the difference between feeling panicked and reactive, or calm and collected.

What is a positive birth experience?

There’s no way around this statement: giving birth is hard.

It’s raw, bloody and intense - the person that goes into it, emerges as someone totally different. Positive birth experiences are about how you emerge from that experience: how you see your baby’s arrival, how you see yourself, how you see your future.

But ‘positive birth’ looks different for everyone: for one person, it’d be a waterbirth with twinkling lights and Enya, for another it’d be a wild ride filled with noise, movement and swearing. This is because a positive birth experience isn’t about what happens, or doesn’t happen - it’s about how you feel during the moment.

This workshop is all about helping you to prepare for birth, teaching you how to tap into those positive feelings, at every stage of your labour.

Positive, informative and exciting!
— Alice

What does the ‘Positive Preparation for Birth’ workshop cover?

Will we tell you what to do to get the ‘perfect’ birth? Ummm, no.

Can we guarantee a totally pain-free, joy-filled birth? Sadly not.

Are we going to give you the tools that’ll help you to feel calm, confident and in control of your own birth? Absolutely.

Caitlin (Buds Birthing, hypnobirthing) and I have joined forces to bring you a host of hints and tips to get you started on your preparation for birth. In this TOTALLY FREE, interactive 60-minute online workshop, we’ll explore:

  • How to unpick & use your ideas, imaginings and preconceptions of what birth is and may look like for you.

  • Some basic calming & grounding hypnobirthing strategies to start practising today!

  • Tools to help you navigate your way through the maternity system’s policies & routines

There will also be opportunities to ask questions, pick our brains and find links to websites, organisations and businesses that can help you to feel as positive as possible as you transition from person, to pregnant, to parent.

The interactive parts were really helpful.
— Parents-to-be

Looking for something else?

The questions at the end and the interactive opportunities were so useful.
— Megan

How do I book a place?

Simple! Click the workshop link below and grab your free space today!