Positive Preparation for Birth Workshop

Knowing how to preparing for a positive birth isn’t rocket science or a big secret. It’s about the basics so often overlooked…

It got me and my birth partner really thinking about labour and how we want to cope
— Anon

What does the ‘Positive Preparation for Birth’ workshop cover?

  • Will I tell you what to do to get the ‘perfect’ birth?

    Ummm, no.

  • Can I guarantee a totally pain-free, joy-filled birth?

    Sadly not.

  • Am I going to give you the tools that’ll help you to feel calm, confident and in control of your own birth?


As a doula, I live - sleep - breathe birth.

Seeing it, hearing it and supporting it day-in, day-out has taught me what really works (and what absolutely doesn’t) when it comes to getting the positive birth experience you naturally want and absolutely deserve.

During this 45-minute online workshop, I’ll give you the hints, tips and strategies that will help you get started on your own preparation for your baby’s birth. We’ll explore:

  • the types of information & knowledge that will really help to make decisions

  • strategies and skills birth partners can use to support during labour

  • how to approach fears and anxieties & how to include them in birth preparation

  • the way the maternity system works & ways to make it work for you

  • what you can do to prepare yourself physically & mentally for birth and your postnatal journey

This isn’t rocket science: it’s no big secret. It’s the basics that every parent-to-be deserves to know (but often doesn’t). Hence why this session is TOTALLY FREE.

The questions at the end and the interactive opportunities were so useful.
— Megan

Book your space…