Bump Brunch

Delicious food, new mum mates and all the birth & baby chatter your heart desires…

Join us at the pregnancy meet-up of dreams…

five pregnant friends sit around a brunch table talking about everything to do with pregnancy and birth

Bump Brunch is all about comfort, and as humans we find that in…

  • the foods we eat

  • the environment around us

  • the people that understand and relate to us

Each of our Bump Brunch events puts these three things front and centre to make sure that, however nervous you were at the start, you walk away with a smile on your face.

It was nice to meet new people and hopefully get some new “mum friends” who are in the same position as me.
— Lizzie
four pregnant women sit having brunch talking about pregnancy and birth with a doula

How does Bump Brunch work?

It’s a really simple concept: I book a table at a delicious location in Cornwall, you book a seat at that table and we all have brunch together. There’s no booking fee; just pay for what you order.

We welcome all pregnant folk to the table, whether you’ve just seen those two blue lines or are deep in the nesting phase. You come from all walks of pregnancy and all walks of life, and we just talk. What tends to happen is this…

  • questions are asked

  • stories are shared

  • laughter is had

  • experiences discussed

And what’s really lovely is that, more often than not, by the time I leave the table, it’s not one of strangers. Numbers have been swapped and from the outside looking in, you look like a group of friends who just all happen to be pregnant at the same time.

Have you seen…

Book your seat at the table…

All pregnant folk are welcome at Bump Brunch, whether you’re in the very early days or have gone past your due date, we’d love to meet you.

Our table is purposefully small and seats are reserved only for people who are growing a baby; you’ll have to bring your partner a takeaway box of treats for this one.